When you’re thinking about installing a driveway, concrete and pavers are often the first that come to mind. Have you considered the benefits of concrete driveways yet? Here are six good reasons to consider installing an asphalt driveway.
One: Speed of Construction
When you have a concrete driveway installed, it has to cure for a week before you can drive on it. You can drive on an asphalt driveway almost as soon as it’s laid. As a rule, it takes only one to two days to lay an asphalt driveway, too, including site preparation. This can be significantly faster than laying pavers or concrete.
Two: Cost Effective
Asphalt driveways are a cost-effective option. If you need to have a long driveway installed, asphalt can be less expensive than concrete or pavers because they are less labour-intensive and don’t take as long to lay. In many cases, an asphalt driveway can be up to 40 percent less expensive than a concrete driveway.
Three: Asphalt is Durable
An asphalt driveway can last up to 30 years. While concrete can last just as long or longer, it often needs expensive repairs or may need to be resurfaced long before an asphalt driveway will need repairing or resurfacing.
Four: Asphalt is Easy to Repair
Repairing concrete can be expensive and time-consuming. Asphalt is much easier to repair and you won’t have to repair it as often as concrete. One of the benefits of asphalt is that it can shrink and expand without cracking. It is also more flexible, which helps protect it from erosion under the surface.
Five: Skid Resistance
If you have a steep driveway, smooth concrete offers little skip resistance. Asphalt driveways have superior skid resistance and you don’t need to worry when asphalt is wet. It retains its skid resistance while concrete can become even more slippery in the rain.
Six: Oil Leaks
Concrete’s colour makes oil leaks stand out. Asphalt is an oil-based material and oil leaks are not as visible. Your new concrete driveway will only look good until oil leaks and cracks appear. An asphalt driveway will look better longer.
Where Can I Find an Asphalt Driveway Service?
Are you interested in getting quotes for an asphalt driveway? Many concreting services can also install asphalt driveways for you. They will be happy to give you quotes for both types of driveways. Compare the costs versus the benefits and make your decision. Of course, aesthetics will also affect your decision, but keep in mind the longer term aesthetics and maintenance costs involved. An asphalt driveway can be aesthetically appealing and require less maintenance over time.